Digital Signature Certificate Registration

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An Overview of Digital Signature Certificate Registration

Digital Signature Certificate or DSC is the electronic signature of a person in encrypted form. The DSC is issued to individuals by a certifying agency which the Controller of Certification Agencies or CCA has duly appointed. An individual looking to file various government forms online as GST returns, company annual returns, income tax returns, and duly filing other statutory forms, is required to obtain a Class 3 DSC. Companies looking to get registered on the MCA portal online and file returns or attach requisite documents are required to attach the DSC of the relevant persons.

It is compulsory for all authorised persons to register or associate their DSC on the MCA portal to make the e-filing process feasible online. All forms, returns and documents filed online on the MCA portal are required to be signed digitally by the authorised signatories or persons like the directors of the Company, proprietors, managers or company secretaries or chartered accountants of the Company. DSCs are stored in USB drives which shall be encrypted and can only be accessed using a password.

Types of Digital Signature Certificate

The following are the types of DSC in India:

  • Class 2 Certificates: These certificates are for e-filing services with the ROC (Registrar of Companies). For an individual to file annual returns of the Company, obtaining a Class 2 DSC is vital. Moreover, it is vital to get DoT OSP Registration, Company Incorporation, IP Registration and other Registration services.
  • Class 3 Certificates: These Certificates are used in online bidding or participation in e-Auctions & online tenders across India.

Who Can Register DSC Online in India?

Persons who are required to file forms, returns and documents must compulsorily register their DSC on the official portal of the MCA. The below-mentioned are required to register the DSC on the MCA portal:

  • Directors of a company
  • Proprietors of a company
  • Managers of a company
  • Practising members or professionals of ICSI or ICWAI or ICAI
  • Nodal Officers of the Investor Education and Protection Fund
  • Deputy Nodal Officers of the Investor Education and Protection Fund
  • Authorised representatives of the Company

Prerequisites for DSC Registration in India

The application needs to fulfil the following criteria to get DSC:

  1. The applicant must register on the portal & gain a user ID & password;
  2. The applicant must download & install the designer utility. You can download the utility while DSC Registration;
  3. The token must be a Class 2 or Class 3 DSC Certificate;
  4. The applicant must plug the USB token obtained from Certifying Authority into the computer;
  5. To be registered, DSC must be in the active service period & isn’t revoked or cancelled.

Documents for Obtaining DSC in India

Following are some crucial documents required for obtaining DSC in India:

  • A duly-filled DSC Application;
  • Identify proof such as Aadhar Card, PAN Card, etc.;
  • Address proof.

Procedure of Obtaining DSC with Dreamunicus

Step 1: Collection of all the required documents: First, our experts will contact you and collect all the required documents.

Step 2: Filing: Once all the documents are collected, our experts will file the application for DSC and submit it to the MCA.

Step 3: Verification: After submitting, they will verify the documents and application.

Step 4: Obtain DSC: Once satisfied, they will issue the Digital Signature Certificate to us and we will deliver it to you.

Validity Period of a DSC

DCSs, which a certifying agency has issued, are valid for a period of 2-3 years from the date of issuance of the certificate. Persons with DSCs are required to renew them before the validity period expires. Once the DSC is renewed, the authorised signatories are required to register the renewed DSC on the MCA portal by following the procedure mentioned above.

Dreamunicus Support

Since it is compulsory for all authorized persons to register or associate their DSC on the MCA portal in order to make the e-filing process feasible online, it is imperative to get the DSCs registered. Companies looking to register the DSCs of their authorized representatives or signatories on the MCA portal can approach the team of professionals at Dreamunicus for expert assistance in obtaining DSC registration with minimal hassles.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)

A Digital Signature Certificate or DSC is the electronic signature of a person in encrypted form. An individual looking to file various government forms online as GST returns, company annual returns, income tax returns, and duly filing other statutory forms, is required to obtain a Class 3 DSC.

DSCs are stored in USB drives which shall be encrypted and can only be accessed using a password.

It is compulsory for all authorised persons to register or associate their DSC on the MCA portal to make the e-filing process feasible online. All forms, returns and documents filed online on the MCA portal are required to be signed digitally by the authorised signatories or persons like the directors of the Company, proprietors, managers or company secretaries or chartered accountants of the Company.

Persons who are required to file forms, returns and documents must compulsorily register their DSC on the official portal of the MCA, like the directors, proprietors, managers and authorised representatives of a company, practising members or professionals of ICSI or ICWAI or ICAI, nodal officers or deputy nodal officers of the Investor Education and Protection Fund.

DCSs which a certifying agency has issued are valid for a period of 2-3 years from the date of issuance of the certificate. Persons with DSCs are required to renew them before the validity period expires. Once the DSC is renewed, the authorised signatories are required to register the renewed DSC and the MCA portal.

There are many benefits of registering one’s DSC on the MCA portal, as it reduces the time and cost of signing in documents. DSC has done away with physically filing the documents, signing, and sending them. The authorised representative can digitally sign other e-forms, statutory documents, and emails. The documents submitted with the MCA, which have been electronically signed, ensure the integrity of data and the authenticity of documents.

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Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarks grove right at the coast

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